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Monday, July 26, 2010

Update on the land

My wonderful husband
Hard at it.

Putting in the water line.


This tree fell over during it is growing sideways!

The trailer will be in this area

Charles taking a break

The Drive will be here

Brandy & Haley

Jason and Haley

Charles working digging the ditch

Me and Brandy - yuk


Charles clearing land

Well we finished putting the water line in! whahoo!!!! It was a long hot weekend, but it is done....well almost. Now we have to get it turned on and make sure there are no leeks. Then to cover up the pipe. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Update on land

We went out to the land today. Started digging the ditch for the water line.....and got about 90 feet of it dug.....and then the bottom fell out. The rain came down and spoiled all the fun! So we will try again tomorrow. I will be bringing my camera so hopefully I will have pictures to post. May be we can get the line laid before it rains again. Well goodnight all....have a long hot day tomorrow so till then.......sweet dreams!

Monday, July 19, 2010

We Have Water

We now have water or at least a meter. Now we have to do our side of the water line. It has rained that has made it hard to get anything done. Charles gets home Wednesday so we will be trying to do some more work then. Hopefully we will be moved out there by next week. Of course there is alot of work to do....but with us being on the land it should be easier. I will post more as we progress.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Water Or Not?

So today is Friday and the water is supposed to be ready.....we will see. I am going out there in a little while. Hopefully it is done like the water company said. Next we will have to put in our part of the line. Then we can move the trailer in. I will post more pictures as we progress!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just a little note

My lovely grand daughter...she loves to

Today is a great day. The Lord woke me up and started me on my way! I hope everyone has a great day. My daughter and son-n-law and granddaughter lives with me right now and it is really nice to have them close. Although it is cramped at times ... it is still nice. We are still waiting for the water to get put on at the land. They seam to be taking their sweet time. Oh well we will be be there soon......I hope!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Memories of James

James feeding AC a lollypop
James & Button hanging a line for AC our dog


2002 James

James being silly

Brandy, Jason, Critter, James

James making balloons at Haley's 2nd Birthday Party

James & Haley - 2002

Tattoo again


James showing his tattoo

James singing

Brandy & James singing karaoke

Shara, James, & Me

Brandy, Haley, James, Me

James holding Haley - his niece

This was taken when Brandy was pregnant with Haley

Charles, Me, James & Canaan

Me and James - he was always climbing in the chair with me.

Christmas 1997

Hiding his face - Christmas 1997

They were very close

Showing off his muscles

Canaan & James

James and Canaan - He really loved his little nephew

James being silly at the mall

In Deweyville - He was 16 in this picture

James at Fred Bailey's Camp

Me & James

James, Charles, Me, Button

James juggling - he was pretty good at it.

Canaan, Me, James, Charles & Brandy
Me and James

James and Canaan

Playing Jinga with Charles

Relaxing in his room

Just relaxing

Yes he is latch hooking! He was not afraid of anything!

James being Baptised and receiving the Holy Ghost

Button & James

Button & James

James 15yrs & Button 6yrs - Brothers

Charles, Roxane, James, Button - 1996

Thanksgiving at Shelia's house.
James is holding Canaan.

This was taken when Brandy had Canaan.
James was a proud uncle!

James was the best man at our wedding!

James, Aunt Faye, Uncle Tommy & Button
This was taken at my wedding! Not a big one ....
but it is the one that will last a life time!

Christmas 1993 Brandy & James

James in Deweyville

Charles, Button, Me, James at our trailer in Deweyville

Brandy, James & Button. James was Button's toy,
he was always getting tormented by him!


Just chillin and watching TV

James 13yrs & Brandy 15yrs

Charles, Brandy, James
Glamor Shot - 1992

Christmas 1992

James 10yrs Brandy 13yrs

The gang - James' Birthday Party 1990

James' 9th Birthday party.

Yet another school picture

Another school picture

James, Me, And Brandy - 1987

James, Me, Brandy - 1986

School Picture

Paul & James, they look so small!

Me and James he was 6months old

Brandy & James all dressed up

Berry, Joseph, Brandy, Paul, Tray, James

Brandy and James and I at Darla's Wedding

James in Pre K


James and his cousin's. Kristina, Paul, Tray

My little man ..... and of course my little momma!
Oh if only they could stay that young and sweet!

Brandy and James .. they were so sweet and innocent

James was 2 weeks old here. Brandy wanted to hold him and take a picture.
She spoiled him from day one!

Me, I was preg. for James in this picture
James at his 6th Birthday Party
This was taken Easter 1984.

This is great grandpa & grandma with Brandy & James. He was just over a year old. If only life could stay this simple!

This was taken after the make up. I was looking at the bump on his head. At least he said he had a bump. His "mean" sister hit him.

James and Brandy were fighting so they had to kiss and makeup. As you can see James was not to happy about it.

James and Brandy. James was around 15 months and Brandy was 3 years old.

Today seven years ago my son James was shot and killed .... by a so called friend! I hate to see what this guy does to someone he doesn't like. Anyway enough of that. I want to remember the good times! I am gona put some pictures on here for everyone to see. I hope all enjoy the memories!